- All images should be in JPEG format
- highest resolution (at least 300dpi) and highest quality (level 12)
- files size > 4 MB recommended
- color space AdobeRGB 98 (preferred) or sRGB
- keep all exif- and metadata in the images
- 3×2 ratio is preferred
- Cropping is allowed, but keep in mind that publishers like to have some room around the subjects to have flexibility for their layouts
- No interpolation or resizing is allowed
- 2500 pixel or longer on the longest side is preferred
- Any digital alteration (cloning, stitching of files, etc.) is allowed when done professionally and not visible
- Images should be sharp and free of sensor dust spots
- Images should be processed (like you would present them on your website)
- Please don’t use noise reduction on your images. If at all only apply it to the background.
- Only slight sharpening is allowed – NO sharpening is preferred. An unsharp image will not get any better through sharpening.
- RAW files have to be available upon request (except for slide scans)
- birdimagency not alter the images
- The keywording will be done by BIA stuff members
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